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Breakfast Club and After School Care

Rack House Primary School Breakfast Club and After School Care, aims to support our community and ensure that there is extended provision for those families that need it most. For the After School Care, in the majority of cases this will be our working parents, unless a specific agreement has been made with Mr Amesbury our Headteacher or a genuine emergency occurs. The two clubs are led and managed by a team committed to providing high quality experiences for every child, parent and carer who uses it. It provides a friendly, caring and safe environment in which children are encouraged to develop social, personal, and recreational skills under the supervision of trained and experienced staff.

The After School Care is open to all regardless of their racial, religious, or cultural backgrounds, language, gender, or special educational needs.

All bookings must be made in advance using the form which will be released every term on School Ping. Please speak to the office if you work a varied shift pattern and they will advise you on an alternative arrangement. 

All payments for breakfast and After school club are to be made through Parent Pay. Please click the image below to be taken to the Parent Pay website.


  • The charge for parents wishing to use the After School Club is £10.00 per child per session.


  • All staff will be given a list of children attending ASC at the end of the school day.
  • Staff must inform/ remind children who are on the list.
  • The list must be checked carefully.
  • Children will be collected by identified staff in EY, KS1 and KS2.
  • On PPA afternoon all children going to ASC must stay with the member of staff dismissing the class and be taken to ASC.

End of the School Day

  • All parents/carers waiting to collect must wait outside at the designated pick up point in the playground, for safeguarding reasons they should not enter the Office area unless they have a meeting in school or require the assistance of office staff.
  • Children who have not been collected by 3:30 p.m. will be taken to the Late Club and you will be charged according to the Late Collection policy. On the first occasion of late collection a written warning will be given. After this there is a £15.00 charge per child.  If there are subsequent late collections alternative pickup or care arrangements must be made.
  • This will be supervised by a member of the SLT.
  • All children who are at an After School Care will be dismissed by the member of staff leading the session from the Breakfast and After School Club entrance.
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