Curriculum - Phonics & Reading
At Rack House, we promote and value reading as an enjoyable activity and a life skill.
Our pupils have access to a wide range of reading opportunities such as guided reading, shared reading, independent reading, home/school reading and reading in other subjects including topic text.
Reading in the Early Years Foundation Stage at Rack House Primary School supports children in developing an interest and enjoyment of reading.
Children develop positive reading behaviours, such as handling books carefully, holding books upright, turning pages and showing an interest in illustrations, understanding and joining in with stories, books, poetry and rhymes as well as recognising that print carries meaning.
Phonic knowledge forms an integral part of a child’s learning basic reading and writing skills in the Early Years and Key Stage One. Please see the documents below for how we teach Phonics at Rack House.
Guided reading provides a forum for pupils to explore new vocabulary and improve their key reading skills. Pupils are encouraged to read for meaning using a variety of taught reading strategies.
Children are also actively encouraged to read widely and for pleasure. Classroom reading environments are print-rich and stimulating with a wide range of books displayed creatively and imaginatively.
Book corners display recommended reads as well as the “Focus Author” for that term. All classrooms have a well-stocked book area with a range of fiction and non-fiction. Pupils also have opportunities to read magazines, information leaflets and topic texts.
Our topic themed reading corners are a part of every classroom from our pre-school up to year six and are created to engage the pupils.
Our school library is an important resource and pupils are taught how to use it appropriately.